Zero Carbon. Renewable energy. New generations of batteries. For years we have been developing solutions that make sustainable technologies possible. But sustainability means so much more to us - and we approach it hands-on, in the practical MUEGGE style.

Our heart beats
for a future worth living

But how do we get there, concretely? We are committed to mindfulness at all levels: ecologically, socially and entrepreneurially. Because a future worth living begins with how we as people in our company treat each other, how we conserve nature and resources in our processes, but also through innovations, and how we, every day anew, recognize, weigh and optimize the effects of our entrepreneurial actions.

Wald Nachhaltigkeit

Our actions
for the environment

The concept of environmental protection shapes our workplaces and processes just as much as our end products. At our production sites, we continuously reduce our emissions by using efficient technologies and renewable energies. We are committed to strict environmental guidelines, including the use of water and waste disposal. Together with other companies, we founded the IHK platform “Unternehmensnetzwerk Klimaschutz” - for even more impetus and exchange on this challenge of our time.

Photovoltaik Anlage

Our photovoltaic system with a total output of 200 kWp has been reducing the CO2 footprint since 2022.

Our principles for our employees

What makes a good workplace that you will be happy to come back to tomorrow? At MUEGGE, safety and health, but also respect for each other, take high priority. We offer a working environment in which each and every employee feels safe and welcome, with opportunities for personal development and professional growth. This naturally includes paying increased attention to diversity within the company and promoting a working climate free of prejudice.

Mitarbeiter Prinzipien

Our energy
as a company

We are aware of the impact our company has on our society - and so we always balance our economic goals with the impact on the world we would like to live in. In doing so, we are committed to European values, human rights and the standards of the International Labor Organization. Compliance with the highest quality and safety standards plays a central role in every step of the process, and we encourage our partners and suppliers to match these high standards.

Familie Sonnenuntergang

“As an international market and technology leader for advanced and standardized microwave and plasma technology (...) it is our responsibility to meet present needs without burdening future generations.”

responsibility for tomorrow

Whitepaper Power-to-X State of Innovation – Trends and Breakthroughs in Microwave Plasma Technology
To comply with future legislation aimed at reducing pollution and given the different designs, ages and capacities of existing plants and processes, the industry needs …
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Whitepaper Power-to-X Applications based on Microwave Heating and Microwave Plasma Technology
Progress is in the details. Find out about the latest findings and advanced application developments in microwave and plasma technology - directly from our experts, …
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Power-to-X Applications Video of MUEGGE’s Atmospheric Plasma Source
The unique properties of the Atmospheric Plasma Source (APS) can be used for applications formerly not available for plasma technology, like Power-to-X and related renewable …
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Power-to-X Applications Decontamination of Process Water containing Organic Residues using an Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Plasma Process
The thermo-catalytic reforming process (TCR® process) developed through a collaboration between MUEGGE and the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology (Fraunhofer UMSICHT) produces …
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Tel.: +49 (0) 6164 – 9307 – 0

Fax: +49 (0) 6164 – 9307 – 93



Hochstrasse 4 – 6

64385 Reichelsheim


Tel.: +1-209-527-8960

Fax: +1-209-527-5385


Gerling Applied Engineering, Inc.

P.O. Box 580816

Modesto, CA 95358-0816


Tel.: +49 (0) 6164 – 9307 – 0

Fax: +49 (0) 6164 – 9307 – 93



Hochstrasse 4 – 6

64385 Reichelsheim


Tel.: +1-209-527-8960

Fax: +1-209-527-5385


Gerling Applied Engineering, Inc.

P.O. Box 580816

Modesto, CA 95358-0816



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