GA1001 | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, CPR284 |
GA1002 | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, WR340 |
GA1002-M | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, WR340, M6 Helicoil (one flange) |
GA1003 | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, WR430 |
GA1004 | Basic 3-Stub Tuner, CPR284 |
GA1005 | Basic 3-Stub Tuner, WR340 |
GA1006 | Basic 3-Stub Tuner, WR430 |
GA1003WC | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, WR430, WC |
GA1009 | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, WR284 Q-D |
GA1010 | Basic 3-Stub Tuner, WR284 Q-D |
GA1011 | Basic E-H Tuner, CPR284 |
GA1012 | Basic E-H Tuner, WR340 |
GA1016A | Precision E-H Tuner, WR340 |
GA1018 | Precision E-H Tuner, WR284 Q-D |
GA1019 | Precision 4-Stub Tuner, 5.8 GHz, CPR159 |
GA1021 | Basic 3-Stub Tuner, 5.8 GHz, CPR159 |
GA1022 | Automatic Impedance Matching System, WR340 |
GA1023 | Basic Single Stub Tuner, CPR284 |
GA1024 | Basic Single Stub Tuner, WR340 |
GA1025 | Basic Single Stub Tuner, WR430 |
GA1033 | Automatic Impedance Matching System, 915 MHz, WR975 |
MW2006A-260CF | Precision 3-Stub Tuner, 915 MHz, WR975 |
GA1112 | 3-Port Circulator, 3kW, CPR284 |
GA1112-1 | 3-Port Circulator, 3kW, CPR284, with Refl Pwr Probe |
GA1114 | 2-Port Isolator, 3kW, CPR284, Refl Power Coupler |
GA1115 | 3-Port Circulator, 6kW, WR340 |
GA1115-1 | 3-Port Circulator, 6kW, WR340, Refl Power Coupler |
GA1116B | 2-Port Isolator, 6kW, WR340, with 60dB Coupler (Integrated) |
GA1117 | High Power Variable Attenuator, 3kW, CPR284 |
GA1118 | High Power Variable Attenuator, 6kW, WR340 |
GA1121 | 3-Port Circulator, 1.2kW, CPR284 |
GA1121-1 | 3-Port Circulator, 1.2kW, CPR284, Refl Pwr Coupler |
GA1122 | 3-Port Circulator, 1.2kW, WR340 |
GA1122-1 | 3-Port Circulator, 1.2kW, WR340, Reflected Power Coupler |
GA1126 | High Power Variable Attenuator, 15kW, WR430 |
MW1006A-210EC | ISOLATOR 6kW 2450MHz WR340 |
MW1001B-210DC | CIRCULATOR 30kW 2450MHz |
MW1001B-260CC | CIRCULATOR 100kW 915MHz WR975 |
GA1201 | Short Dummy Load, 3kW, CPR284 |
GA1204 | Short Dummy Load, 3kW, WR284 Q-D |
GA1205B | Precision Sliding Short Circuit, 3kW, WR284 Q-D |
GA1206A | Precision Sliding Short Circuit, 6kW, WR340 |
GA1207A | Precision Sliding Short Circuit, 6kW, WR430 |
GA1208-X | Fixed Short Circuit, WR284 Q-D (-X = Length in degrees up to 180) |
GA1210 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, CPR284, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA1210-1 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, CPR284, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA1211 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, WR284 QD, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA1211-1 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, WR284 QD, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA1212 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, WR340 |
GA1213 | Dummy Load w/Power Reflector, 3kW, CPR284 |
GA1214 | Dummy Load w/Power Reflector, 3kW, WR284 Q-D |
GA1215A | Precision Sliding Short Circuit, CPR284 |
GA1216A | Basic Sliding Short Circuit, CPR284 |
GA1218A | Basic Sliding Short Circuit, WR284 Q-D |
GA1219A | Basic Sliding Short Circuit, WR340 |
GA1220A | Basic Sliding Short Circuit, WR430 |
GA1221 | Short Dummy Load, 5.8 GHz, 700W, CPR159 |
GA1222 | Dummy Load w/Coupler, 5.8 GHz, CPR159 |
GA1223 | Precision Sliding Short Circuit, 5.8 GHz, CPR159 |
GA1224 | Dummy Load w/Power Reflector, 5.8 GHz, CPR159 |
GA1228 | Short Dummy Load, 6kW, WR340 |
GA1231 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, 6kW, WR340 |
GA1232 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, 15kW, WR430 (3/8 NPT) |
GA1233-X | Fixed Short Circuit, WR340 (-X = Length in degrees up to 180) |
GA1234-X | Fixed Short Circuit, CPR284 (-X = Length in degrees up to 180) |
GA1235 | Short Dummy Load, 10kW, WR340 |
GA1238 | Dummy Load, 5 kW, 915 MHz, EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA1239 | Short Dummy Load w/Coupler, 30kW, WR430 |
MW2030D-230CC | Adjustable Short Circuit, 915 MHz, WR975 |
GA2001 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, CPR284 to Type N Coax |
GA2002 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, WR284 to WR340 |
GA2003 | Waveguide Taper Transition, WR284 Q-D to WR340 |
GA2004 | Waveguide Taper Transition, WR284 Q-D to WR430 |
GA2005 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR284 Q-D to Type N Coax |
GA2006 | Waveguide Taper Transition, CPR284 to WR340 |
GA2007 | Waveguide Taper Transition, CPR284 to WR430 |
GA2008 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, WR284 to WR430 |
GA2009 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, WR340 to WR430, Tapped Holes |
GA2010 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR284 Q-D to EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA2011 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR340 to Type N Coax (Side Launch) |
GA2012 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR430 to Type N Coax |
GA2013 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, CPR284 to EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA2015 | Waveguide Step Transition, 5.8 GHz, CPR137 to CPR159 |
GA2016 | Waveguide Adapter, 5.8 GHz, CPR159 to Type N Coax |
GA2017 | Waveguide Taper Transition, WR340 to WR430 |
GA2018 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR340 to EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA2019 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR430 to EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA2020 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR284 Q-D to 7/16 DIN Coax |
GA2021 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, CPR284 to 7/16 DIN Coax |
GA2022 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR340 to 7/16 DIN Coax |
GA2023 | Waveguide Adapter, 2.45 GHz, WR430 to 7/16 DIN Coax |
GA2024 | Waveguide Adapter, 5.8 GHz, WR159 to 7/16 DIN Coax |
GA2025 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, WR340 (Thru) to CPR284 (Tapped) |
GA2026 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, WR430 (Thru) to CPR284 (Tapped) |
GA2028 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, WR340 (Tapped) to CPR284 (Thru) |
GA2029 | Waveguide Step Transition, 2.45 GHz, CMR284 to WR340 |
GA2030 | Waveguide Adapter, 915 MHz, WR975 to EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA2032 | Waveguide Taper Transition, WR112 to CPR159 |
GA2101-X | Flexible/Twistable Waveguide, CPR284 |
GA2102-X | Flexible/Twistable Waveguide, WR340 |
GA2102-XH | Flexible/Twistable Waveguide, WR340, One End Tapped |
GA2103-X | Flexible Waveguide, WR430 |
GA2104-X | Flexible/Twistable Waveguide, WR284 Q-D |
GA2105-X | Flexible/Twistable Waveguide, CPR159 |
GA2106-X | Coaxial Cable Assembly, 7/16 DIN Male (-X = length in feet) |
GA2108-X | Coaxial Cable Assembly, EIA 1-5/8 (-X = length in feet) |
-H or -M | Helicoil threads, SAE or Metric (per flange) |
GA2201-X | Straight Rigid Waveguide, CPR284 (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2201-XH | Straight Rigid Waveguide, CPR284, 1/4-20 Helicoil One End (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2201-XHH | Straight Rigid Waveguide, CPR284, 1/4-20 Helicoil Both Ends (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2201-XMM | Straight Rigid Waveguide, CPR284, M6 Helicoil Both Ends (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2202-X | Straight Rigid Waveguide, WR340 (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2203-X | Straight Rigid Waveguide, WR430 (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2204-X | Straight Rigid Waveguide, WR284 Q-D (-X = Length in inches) |
GA2205-X | Straight Rigid Waveguide, CPR159 (-X = Length in inches) |
-H or -M | Helicoil threads, SAE or Metric (per flange) |
GA2301 | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, CPR284, 3″ x 3″ |
GA2301FG | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, CPR284F to CPR284G, 3″ x 3″ |
GA2301GG | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, CPR284G to CPR284G, 4″ x 4″ |
GA2302 | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, WR284 Q-D, 4″ x 4″ |
GA2302-GR | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, WR284, Grooved Flanges |
GA2302-GR-AD | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, WR284, Grooved Flanges, with Arc Detector |
GA2303 | 90 Degree H-plane Bend, CPR284, 4″ x 4″ |
GA2304 | 90 Degree H-plane Bend, WR284 Q-D, 4″ x 4″ |
GA2306 | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, WR430, 4″ x 4″ |
GA2307 | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, WR340, 4″ x 4″ |
GA2307G | 90 Degree E-plane Bend, WR340, 4″ x 4″, Contact (CPRG) Flanges |
GA2309 | 90 Degree H-plane Bend, WR430, 5″ x 5″ |
GA2310 | 90 Degree H-plane Bend, WR340, 5″ x 5″ |
GA2311 | 90 Degree E-Plane Bend, Mitered, CPR159 |
GA2312 | 90 Degree H-Plane Bend, Mitered, CPR159 |
GA2313 | H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 3dB Splitter, CPR284 |
GA2314 | Hybrid (Magic) Tee, CPR284 |
GA2315 | 45 Degree H-plane Bend, WR340 |
GA2316 | 45 Degree E-plane Bend, WR340 |
GA2317 | H-Plane (Shunt) Tee, 3dB Splitter, WR340 |
GA2319-90 | 90 Degree Twist, Stepped, WR340 |
GA2320 | 90 Degree Twist, Stepped, WR284 Q-D |
GA2321 | Hybrid (Magic) Tee, WR340 |
GA2323 | E-Plane (Series) Tee, 3dB Splitter, WR340 |
GA2325-90 | 90 Degree Twist, Swept, WR340 |
GA2326 | 90 Degree Elbow, EIA 1-5/8 Coax, Swivel Flanges |
GA2328 | 90 Degree H-Plane Bend, Swept, WR340 |
GA2329-90 | 90 Degree Twist, Swept, CPR159 |
GA2331 | 180 Degree H-plane Bend, WR284 Q-D |
GA2602 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR284, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2602WC | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR284, Water Cooled, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2604 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, CPR159, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2605 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR340, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2605-1 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR340, Perfluoroelastomer O-rings |
GA2605BR | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR340, Brass Body, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2605CH | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR340, Silicone O-Rings, Clearance Holes |
GA2605WC | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR340, Water Cooled, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2606 | Window Ventilator, WR340 |
GA2607 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR430, Silicone O-Rings |
GA2607-1 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, WR430, Perfluoroelastomer O-Rings |
GA2608 | Pressure/Vacuum Window, 915 MHz, WR975, Silicone O-Rings |
GA3001-X | Single Analog Power Monitor, CPR284 |
GA3002-X | Dual Analog Power Monitor, CPR284 |
GA3003-X | Single Analog Power Monitor, WR284 Q-D |
GA3004-X | Dual Analog Power Monitor, WR284 Q-D |
GA3005-X | Dummy Load Power Monitor, WR284, Q-D Flange |
GA3006-X | Dummy Load Power Monitor, CPR284 |
GA3007-X | Dual Analog Power Monitor, WR340 |
GA3008 | Dual Analog Power Monitor, CPR159, 700 W Scales |
GA3009-X | Single Analog Power Monitor, WR340 |
GA3010-X | Dual Analog Power Monitor, WR430 |
GA3011-X | Single Analog Power Monitor, WR430 |
GA3101 | Single Directional Coupler, CPR284, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3101-1 | Single Directional Coupler, CPR284, 56 dB coupling factor |
GA3102 | Dual Directional Coupler, CPR284, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3102-1 | Dual Directional Coupler, CPR284, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3103 | Single Directional Coupler, WR284 Q-D, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3103-1 | Single Directional Coupler, WR284 Q-D, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3104 | Dual Directional Coupler, WR284 Q-D, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3104-1 | Dual Directional Coupler, WR284 Q-D, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3105 | 6-Port Reflectometer, WR284 Q-D |
GA3106 | Dual Directional Coupler, WR340, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3106-1 | Dual Directional Coupler, WR340, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3106-M | Dual Coupler, WR340, 60 dB Coupling Factor, M6 Helicoils (one flange) |
GA3107 | Dual Directional Coupler, WR430, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3108 | Single Directional Coupler, WR340, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3108-1 | Single Directional Coupler, WR340, 56 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3109 | Single Directional Coupler, WR430, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3110 | Dual Directional Coupler, WR340 Short |
GA3113 | Waveguide Impedance Analyzer, WR340 |
GA3114 | Single Directional Coupler, CPR159, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3115 | Dual Directional Coupler, CPR159, 60 dB Coupling Factor |
GA3116 | Dual Directional Coupler, 915 MHz, WR975 |
GA3117 | Single Directional Coupler, 915 MHz, EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA3118 | Dual Directional Coupler, 915 MHz, EIA 1-5/8 Coax |
GA3119 | Single Directional Coupler, 915 MHz, WR975 |
GA3201 | Isolated Filament Voltmeter, 0-10 VAC, Iron Vane |
GA3202 | Microwave Leakage Detector, 2.45 GHz |
GA3203 | Test Station, for GL139 HVPS (Iridia) |
GA3204 | Microwave Leakage Detector, Dual, 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz |
GA3205 | Test Station, for aixcon Power Supply |
GA3206 | Test Station, for GL139 Mw Generator (L-3510 and PEP) |
GA3207 | Test Control Module, for GL139 (all) |
GA3208-X | Single Analog Power Meter Set, with Detector and Cable |
GA3209-X | Dual Analog Power Meter Set, with Detectors and Cables |
GA3213 | Dual Digital Power Meter Set, Bench, 10kW Scales |
GA3213-1 | Dual Digital Power Meter Set, Bench, 2kW Scales |
GA3214 | Single Digital Power Meter Set, Bench, 20kW Scale |
GA3214-1 | Single Digital Power Meter Set, Bench, 2kW Scale |
GA3215 | Microwave Leakage Detector, Dual, 2.45 GHz and 915 MHz |
GA3216 | Microwave Leakage Interlock Monitor, 2.45 GHz |
GA4405 | 5 kW Microwave Generator, 915 MHz, WR975, NEMA 4 |
GA4505 | 5 kW OEM Magnetron Head, 915 MHz, WR975, NEMA 4 Enclosure |
912419 | 1.25kW OEM Mw Generator, for L-3510, “Front Access” |
913682 | 1.25kW OEM Mw Generator, for PEP, “Front Access” |
913714 | 1.25kW OEM HV Power Supply, for A-3010, “Front Access” |
913715 | 1.8kW OEM HV Power Supply, for Iridia, “Front Access” (27-425639-00) |
GA6002A | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Dual Side, WR284 Q-D |
GA6004A | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Dual Side, WR340 |
GA6006 | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Dual Side, CPR159 |
GA6007 | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Short Height, WR284 Q-D |
GA6008 | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Dual Side, CPR284 |
GA6009 | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Dual Side, WR430 |
GA6011 | Universal Waveguide Applicator, Short Height, CPR284 |
GA6012 | 284 MW Applicator |
GA6201 | Multimode Microwave Applicator, 2.45 GHz, CPR284 Input Flange |
GA8002 | 3kW Water Cooled 2M131 (compatible with AG9131) |
GA8103 | Insert Repair Kit, Dummy Load, WR284 |
GA8105 | Insert Repair Kit, Dummy Load, WR340 (GA1202 and GA1212 only) |
GA8108-1 | Window Repair Kit, WR284, Silicone |
GA8108-2 | Window Repair Kit, WR284, Perfluoroelastomer |
GA8109-1 | Window Repair Kit, WR340, Silicone |
GA8109-2 | Window Repair Kit, WR340, Perfluoroelastomer |
GA8111 | Insert Repair Kit, Dummy Load, WR340 (GA1228 and GA1231 only) |
GA8112 | Insert Repair Kit, Dummy Load, WR430 (GA1232 or equivalent) |
GA8301-0 | Animal Chamber, 20-50 gram Animals |
GA8301-1 | Animal Chamber, 50-175 gram Animals |
GA8301-2 | Animal Chamber, 175-450 gram Animals |
GA8302-0 | Animal Holder, 20-50 gram Animals |
GA8302-1 | Animal Holder, 50-100 gram Animals |
GA8302-2 | Animal Holder, 100-175 gram Animals |
GA8302-3 | Animal Holder, 175-325 gram Animals |
GA8302-4 | Animal Holder, 325-450 gram Animals |
GA8303-XX | Test Tube Adapter for GA600X (XX = test tube OD, 06 thru 25 mm) |
GA8303-36 | Test Tube Adapter for GA600X, for 36 mm OD tube |
GA8303-50 | Test Tube Adapter for GA600X, for 50 mm OD tube |
GA8304 | Standard Tool Kit |
GA8305-1 | UWA Adapter Set, Downstream Plasma, WR284, NW40 |
GA8305-2 | UWA Adapter Set, Downstream Plasma, WR340, NW40 |
GA8306-XX | Test Tube Adapter for GA6005/6 (XX = test tube OD, 06 thru 25 mm) |
GA8307A | Crystal Diode Detector, Type N Male, with Output Data |
MM1001B-110AB | Crystal Diode Detector, Type N Male Input, BNC Female Output |
GA8402-X | Alignment Pin, Q-D (-1 = Capped, -2 = Full thread) |
GA8403 | Flange Interlock Switch, FlangeGuard (TM) |
GA8403-1 | Flange Interlock Switch, FlangeGuard ™, Installed |
GA8408-X | Flange Bolt Interlock, BoltGuard ™, 12″ Flying Leads (-X identifies hole type) |
GA8408-WR340 | Flange Interlock, BoltGuard ™, WR340 |
GA8409 | Flange Hardware Kit |
GA8410 | Flange Clamp, Q-D, Quick-Release, 5″ |
GA8411 | Flange Shim Set, CPR284 (1/16″, 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″, 2x 1″, 2″) |
GA8412 | Flange Shim Set, WR340 (1/16″, 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″, 1″, 2″) |
GA8413 | Flange Shim Set, WR430 (1/16″, 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″, 2x 1″) |
GA8414 | Arc Detect Module |
GA8415 | Waveguide Flange, Water Cooled, WR430 |
GA8416 | Directional Detector, with Mount, SMA Output |
GA8416-N | Directional Detector, with Mount, Type N Output |
GA8417 | Directional Detector, Fixed, SMA Output |
GA8501 | Rotary Shaft Feedthru, Top Mount |
Hochstrasse 4 – 6
64385 Reichelsheim
Gerling Applied Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 580816
Modesto, CA 95358-0816
Hochstrasse 4 – 6
64385 Reichelsheim
Gerling Applied Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 580816
Modesto, CA 95358-0816
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